My Symphony Of Life – Episode# 33 – Craft Time With Kathy Penney And Ana

Hello I’m Ana the host of My Symphony Of Life. Welcome back to another show! I’d like to take the time to thank you for listening to my symphony of life and allowing me to be part of your journey. This show is all about me helping people like you conduct your own personal growth by providing enrichment, empowering and educational topics in which you can grow in order for you to create your hearts desire and live with passion inside out. All of our topics do just that! Do you have a topic, that you would like to hear…
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The Tour Bus Music Show – Episode# 42 – Interview And Music With Familiar Sin From Orlando, FL

Some dishes are best served RAW and there’s nothing closer to raw than rock bands. The power, the message and the music has been delivering that message for a long time. With all of the changes and styles in today’s music, it’s good to see that the message that has always been the backbone of rock music is not lost on a younger generation of musicians. Being outspoken, loud, blunt and unforgiving is in the very essence of what makes up some of the best rock bands of all time and it is what gets the message across. Familiar Sin…
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